Dublin U-16 Matchplay Final

It was a superb performance by Jamie Palmer as he took the Dublin County Board U-16 Matchplay title once again for the Glenville club following on from Conall Barnes success in Ierne last year.

After a steady start from both Jamie and fellow Glenville clubmate Andrew Byrne it was the former who started to pull away by the end of the front 9. It was a lead after 9 he would not relinquish as he answered everything that Andrew threw at him and took the title with a few holes to spare.

A hugely successful evening for the Glenville Pitch&Putt Club as both their two players and course shone through on a sometimes dreary October afternoon. Credit must go to our U-16 Officer Shane Devlin for his time & effort in getting the players, course and sponsorship of the event with Maldron Tallaght not only today but in the qualifying on Saturday.

Huge congratulations to both Andrew Byrne and the victor Jamie Palmer on a superb final that may go down as the last pitch and putt final of 2020!
